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Your Guide to Illinois Business Energy Suppliers: Market Navigation


Are you unhappy with your utility rates but find it intimidating to choose from among the various business energy suppliers in Illinois? 

NavigatePower helps businesses find the best commercial and industrial electricity services in the area. Here’s what to look for and how this type of team could get you the best rates.

What To Look For in an Illinois Business Energy Supplier

When you started your Illinois operation, you automatically enrolled in the location’s default energy supplier with a set rate and term. However, if you’re unsatisfied with your provider, you can look for other commercial power suppliers. 

If that seems like a possibility, consider the following factors before choosing your best energy solutions for businesses:

Location Availability

While deregulation gives you more freedom over which energy company you choose, only some suppliers provide services throughout the state. For example, even though it is one of the largest providers, Ameren Illinois only offers electricity and natural gas to the southern three-quarters of the state.

The first step in choosing the best energy provider is confirming their service in your area.

Competitive Prices on Business Energy

When finding the best B2B energy supply companies, always consider the importance of comparing prices. The Price to Compare emerges because your potential energy company’s default rate isn’t the only one available, especially if experts like NavigatePower negotiate on your behalf.

Don’t settle for the default prices with your business’s bottom line at stake. When energy professionals act on your business’s behalf, the perks include the following:

· Custom pricing

· Better contract terms

· More supplier options 

Types of Business Energy Plans

When considering business energy suppliers, what plan does your business need? Does the utility company offer it? 

For example, types of plans for your business energy needs may include the following:

· Fixed rate: Your business pays the same amount for every kilowatt-hour, regardless of peak hours or changing energy costs. It’s a predictable expense, although you miss potential savings if the energy prices dip.

· Variable rate: Your business pays a different amount each month based on how the energy market performs, so it’s a high-risk-high-reward arrangement. You could save significantly if the energy prices fall, but that reverses if it goes the other way.

· Prepaid: Your business pays for the energy before using anything. You can put more funds into the account when it runs low (a top-up), so it’s great for business owners who don’t want monthly bills or who have the cash on hand for several months in advance.

· Green energy: Is environmental awareness part of your brand? Use a green energy partner for energy from renewable sources such as solar or wind generators or renewable energy credits.

Regulatory Considerations For Illinois Businesses

While many states regulate who you can purchase energy from, Illinois doesn’t regulate corporate energy providers. Technically, you can buy your power from the supplier of your choice. 

However, you might find it valuable to read the 83 Illinois Administrative Code 280. It could help you better understand your rights and responsibilities as a utility customer in this state.

Additional Read: Navigating Energy Procurement Challenges: Solutions for a Smoother Journey

Business Energy Contract Length

While most companies consider a 12-month contract standard, many offer 3, 6, and 18 months terms. In general, if you opt for a variable-rate plan, you’ll benefit from shorter contracts. If you can find a low fixed-rate plan, try to lock it in for a full 18 months.

Do you currently have a fixed-rate contract with another utility provider? You may pay an early termination fee. Your new contract will start on your next billing cycle (within 30 to 60 days).

Better Customer Service For Business Energy That’s Reliable

You’ll want a utility company with excellent customer service when looking for professional business energy options. Every hour you are without power means less profit for you, so look for the following characteristics in your potential utility provider and move ahead:

· High ratings: Utility companies receive reviews and ratings like everyone else. Look on the company’s search results page for what existing customers say, or use third-party websites for a wider range of comments. 

· Flexible contact options: The best customer service provides myriad options for contacting them. Your utility company should offer email and phone contact options, including live chat or social media options that other companies may not have.

· Proactive communication: Good customer service representatives respond to your concerns with very little wait time. They also proactively announce problems like power outages to keep the public well informed.

Navigate Power Can Help You Find the Best Energy Provider

Weighing business energy suppliers can feel overwhelming. Still, if you want what’s best for your business, experts like Navigate Power can help. The team takes time to learn what you need and find your business’s best plans and rates. 

Call 1-800-541-1137 to speak with an energy consultant from NavigatePower today!

Brian Cecola

Brian Cecola

As Navigate Power’s CEO, Brian Cecola drives new business and nurtures future partnerships. His leadership has spurred sustainable growth for the company over four years. With a decade of experience in small businesses and private ventures, he started his career on the Chicago Stock Exchange as a specialist. After nine successful years as a proprietary trader, he transitioned to Director of Sales at Best Energy.

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