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Choosing the Best Energy Source for Your Business

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The energy procurement process for commercial properties depends entirely on the source you wish to power your business. If you need help determining whether electricity or natural gas suits your space best, Navigate Power is here to help. Discover tips for choosing a power source from experienced business energy consultants

Understanding Electricity and Natural Gas Options

Narrowing down an energy supplier for your business often comes down to going all-electric or relying on natural gas in addition to electricity. Other non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal remain in the mix, though the majority of businesses depend on electric and gas energy. You can pinpoint which option suits you best when researching local suppliers, including their rates and conditions. 

Advantages of Electric and Natural Gas Energy for Businesses

Both electric and natural gas energy sources have advantages when it comes to business energy procurement. When considering natural gas, you’ll enjoy a consistent supply to appliances like furnaces and water heaters, even if your power goes out. This can help your business evade potential property damage like frozen pipes, mainly if power outages frequently occur. 

Opting for electric energy gives you more flexibility in powering your building. Electricity offers great versatility in powering various business operations and can efficiently power a wide range of equipment and technology essential for daily operations. It is widely accessible and easy to use, making it a convenient energy source for businesses of all sizes.

Cost and Efficiency Considerations in Energy Procurement

A significant factor for anyone researching business energy procurement is the cost of different energy sources. Pricing for electricity and natural gas ultimately depends on your business’s location. A market analysis will reveal the average price of electricity and gas usage. 

Natural gas provides a reliable and cost-effective solution. It is often more cost-effective than electricity for certain applications, leading to significant savings on energy bills.

Electricity offers great versatility and can power a wide range of equipment essential for daily operations. Additionally, energy storage systems can be used to store electricity from the grid during off-peak hours, ensuring cost savings and a continuous power supply.

Regardless of the energy source you choose for your business, you should deploy the following tips for optimum efficiency and cost savings: 

· Install LED lights: Compared to traditional incandescent lights, LED lighting has a longer lifespan and requires significantly less electricity. 

· Embrace energy-efficient equipment: Energy procurement might cost you more if you use outdated HVAC equipment to heat or cool your business. Investing in energy-efficient furnaces and air conditioners provides tremendous savings. 

· Invest in innovative technology: You can keep the building comfortable without putting additional strain on your HVAC equipment when you have a smart thermostat to program. Motion-sensor lights also reduce energy usage by automatically turning off when there’s no activity nearby. 

· Shut off devices during off-hours: Why pay to keep the lights on when your business isn’t open? Turn off unnecessary lights and devices at the end of each day to reduce your overall energy costs. 

Energy efficiency consulting presents dozens of ways to control your building’s energy consumption and save money. 

Which Energy Source Is Better for Your Business: Natural Gas or Electricity?

Given all of the information above, what is the best energy source for your business? Energy efficiency consulting experts can’t pinpoint one correct answer; they outline all the factors that influence your decision. Consider the following components when searching for an energy procurement provider:

· Risk management

· Long-term costs

· Sustainability goals

Once you determine your business’s energy goals, you should research suppliers in your area and compare their rates. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, with careful thought and consideration, you can make the right decision for your business. 

Get Expert Assistance in Choosing the Right Energy Supplier for Your Business with Navigate Power

Before entering any energy contracts, speak with the business energy consultants at Navigate Power. We have years of experience in the utility and energy procurement industry with a primary goal of helping customers like you choose the right supplier. Our team will review all of your options and answer any questions you have so you can make a well-informed decision. 

To connect with one of our experts, submit our convenient online contact form or call 1-800-541-1137 today.

Brian Cecola

Brian Cecola

As Navigate Power’s CEO, Brian Cecola drives new business and nurtures future partnerships. His leadership has spurred sustainable growth for the company over four years. With a decade of experience in small businesses and private ventures, he started his career on the Chicago Stock Exchange as a specialist. After nine successful years as a proprietary trader, he transitioned to Director of Sales at Best Energy.

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